CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION div(dividend double, divisor double)
RETURNS double
AS 'return dividend/divisor;';
InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="User defined functions are disabled. Set enable_user_defined_functions and experimental_features:udf to enable them"
I tried to change the Scylla.yaml file but enable_user_defined_functions this property was not there .
What scylla version are you using?
I think that recently this feature moved from “experimental” to “preview” mode (new mode).
Not sure though if it should be enabled by default or not. could be an issue.
No I am not able to enable this, I had tried in scylla.yaml file by uncomment “experimental_feature” field and set “udf” to this as you can see in above screenshot, But still not working.
Looks like the CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION statement does not trigger an audit event.
Only statement to which we explicitly added audit events will log a corresponding audit event. The statement that are supported w.r.t. audit is driven by customer demand for these (given that this is an enterprise-only feature).