We recently noticed commitlog changes for new nodes, after upgrading to 5.1, and I’m not sure what to make of it.
There is a new configuration force_schema_commit_log that says it will enable a separate commitlog immediately when enabled, as compared to enabling it on the first reboot. This is set to true by default.
I however, cannot find any documentation for what this commitlog separation on first boot is or why we need it, or even if I can enable/disable it, outside of the first boot. In the 5.1.0 release notes the main references to schema changes are Raft, which is still experimental, so I assume this isn’t Raft related, or it wouldn’t default to true.
Should we have done a full cluster reboot after the 5.1 upgrade to enable this feature, and then this is all a moot point? How can I verify this is enabled on a node, besides commitlog errors on boot?