Originally from the User Slack
@Mahdi_Kamali: I got this error when I was replacing a node.
init - Bad configuration: consistent_cluster_management requires schema commit log to be enabled
What is the problem? What can I do?
Should every node in cluster be up and normal?
@Robert: put inside scylla.yaml
schema_commitlog_directory: /var/lib/scylla/schema_commitlog
force_schema_commit_log: true
(the node which is under replacement)
@Mahdi_Kamali: Thanks @Robert.
Should I remove this config after replacement?
@Robert: I guess not, I even thinking about adding that to all nodes inside cluster, but better to ask some more experience, for example @avi, to know why it’s required and what is a general purpose of that.
From my PoV it sth new in 5.4.x and I didn’t have a time to dig into as long as I stuck in C*
. It’s also a reason why I postpone upgrade to 6.x, need to have a time to read about all changes.
Jumping, reading and testing all new features from Scylla and C* is really time consuming…
btw. @Mahdi_Kamali did it solves Your problem?
@Mahdi_Kamali: Yes it does. I wait for @avi to give more information
@avi: Don’t remove after replacement. In general you should make sure that when adding a node that the configuration of the new node is consistent with the other nodes.