Originally from the User Slack
@stewart: Hi Guys,
Every time we replace a ScyllaDB node, the client generates the following warning log.
In this case, it doesn’t seem to cause any major issues with the service, and restarting the service makes the warning log disappear. However, we would like the warning log to disappear immediately when the node is replaced.
How should we change the ScyllaDB Datastax Java driver settings?
we are using scylladb 4.6.3.
[s0|{scylla-endpoint}/{old-scylla-endpoint, replaced already}:9042] Error while opening new channel (ConnectionInitException: [s0|connecting...] Protocol initialization request, step 1 (OPTIONS): failed to send request (java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException))
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: Apparently could be due to https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/JAVA-3005 and its ramifications.
https://github.com/apache/cassandra-java-driver/pull/1604/files seems to be in 4.15 - I believe (though no java expert here) you should be able to force a metadata refresh, if this solves it for you then that would help.
@stewart: I just found that feature as well, but I’m not sure if it has been bumped in the ScyllaDB Java driver.
How does the ScyllaDB Java driver import the functionality from the DataStax Cassandra Java driver?
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: we should be at 4.18.x https://forum.scylladb.com/t/release-scylladb-java-driver-4-18-0-2/4490 - so latest should it, considering upstream never dropped it in between
@stewart: Then, should I upgrade the driver version to
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: Yes but which driver version are you currently at?
@stewart: so many microservices using scylla, so I need to check it one by one lol
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: right, and always remember 3.x->4.x is a breaking change
though AFAICT 3.x shouldn’t be affected
@stewart: thx felipe!