[RELEASE] ScyllaDB Java Driver

The ScyllaDB team announces release of ScyllaDB Java Driver
Previous release post:

This version brings the following notable changes:

  • Improvements to tablet handling.
    Checking tablet map only for keyspaces using tablets, determined by system_schema.scylla_keyspaces (#405)
    Much less unnecessary tablet map invalidations (#388)
  • Defafult schema request timeout is now higher (20 seconds). No longer equal to basic.request.timeout (#404)
  • Driver can now reconnect to contact points as fallback (#341)
  • bugfix: ControlConnection used to log wrong channel being closed (#342)
  • Driver now reports ScyllaDB Java Driver name to the cluster instead of DataStax Java Driver (#318). This will be reflected in system.clients table.

You can check out the source code and full history on GitHub

For how to use the driver please refer to “Getting the driver” section.