[RELEASE] ScyllaDB Java Driver

The ScyllaDB team announces release of ScyllaDB Java Driver This marks the first release post for the 3.x series of the driver, despite being around for a long while.

Here is a quick overview of recent notable changes:

  • TokenAwarePolicy, which is the default, was equipped with observably faster randomization (#427)

side note: this version is unavailable on maven repository. Please use instead.

  • Added configuration option to allow zero-token peers (#400). Note that zero-token nodes in Cassandra (join_ring=false) function differently from Scylla, e.g. in Cassandra they are not present in system.peers.
  • Improvements to tablet metadata handling. (#382, #385, #403).
  • Driver now reports ScyllaDB Java Driver name to the cluster instead of DataStax Java Driver (#319). This will be reflected in system.clients table.
  • Driver can now try reconnecting to contact points as fallback (#344)

  • No notable changes to the core driver; Dependency updates.

  • This is the earliest version with basic tablets support. is highly preferred.

Latest code, tagged versions and full history can be checked out on GitHub:

Check out “Getting the driver” section for how to incorporate the driver in your project: