ScyllaDB community image on Azure

I have attended the ScyllaDB getting started webinar on 07/17 (or 07/18?). I attempted to create a scyllaDB cluster on Azure. I have observed trouble with the ScyllaDB community images on Azure.
As I have remembered from Felipe’s presentation, scylla db offers the Azure community image on select regions in Azure cloud. Currently, the azure team is limiting the LSV2 disk sizes on the us east region, so they have given me allocations on the us east 2 region. When I attempted to run the script from documentation (Launch ScyllaDB on Azure | ScyllaDB Docs) , azure renders an error. Azure cli says there is no scyllaDB images on us east 2 region. I have included a screenshot of the error.

Felipe mentioned that the Azure community image was available in select Azure regions. I forgot the region names. I perused the documentation, and the regions were not mentioned in the documentation. I emailed Guy Schtub, and he told me to post the question on the forum.

I have launched the scyllaDB installation using the scyllaDB web installer.

Hi @awang128-dbu

The correct region should be eastus - as mention in ScyllaDB | Get Started with ScyllaDB

Please let me know if you have any other questions

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