How to connect to ScyllaDB Monitor installed on docker on WSL2

Hello, I have installed the ScyllaDB Monitor Stack on Windows WSL2 (Ubuntu), and I have started the monitor successfully accessing localhost like below (run from wsl2 ubuntu):

hzb@DESKTOP-V2CLPP0:~/scylla-monitoring$ ./ -l -d prometheus-data
Loading prometheus data from prometheus-data
Wait for alert manager container to start
Wait for Loki container to start.
Wait for Prometheus container to start.
Device "docker0" does not exist.
Device "docker0" does not exist.
Wait for Grafana container to start........
Start completed successfully, check http://localhost:3000

It show the start is successful, however I can’t access localhost:3000, neither on my PC browser or firefox browser installed in WSL2 ubuntu.

Here is my scylla_servers.yml:

# Local dev
- targets:
       cluster: cluster1
       dc: datacenter1

Does ScyllaDB Monitor Stack support WSL2 install. If so what I have done wrong? I can’t find more help from the docuementation.

If it helps, here is the status of ScyllaDB (in another container on docker):

# nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address     Load       Tokens       Owns    Host ID                               Rack
UN  186.48 KB  256          ?       78153b22-4c46-4bbb-974f-8b39c9f14092  rack1

Problem solved after I use docker network instead of localhost by changing scylla_servers.yml to:

# Local dev
- targets:
       cluster: cluster1
       dc: datacenter1

and running the Monitor Stack using : ./ -d prometheus-data

Now I can access the monitor on localhost.

Looks like it runs pretty well on WSL2

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