Scylla dashboards: custom labels not available

Hello there,
I have a question related to monitoring.
I ported your dashboards to my external monitoring stack (thanks for this!)(victoriametrics,alertmaganer,grafana) but dashboards do not provide filtering by ClusterName or DC.
I have two different environments , stage and prod which monitors by one vicroria metrics so it leads for me combining both.
How you additionally prepare labeling metrics to differentiate by cluster/dc?

on your monitoring stack I see
scylla_reactor_utilization{cluster=“prod_cluster”, dc=“my-prod-dc”, dd=“2”, instance=“IP_ADDR_OF_NODE”, job=“scylla”, shard=“0”}

on my monitoring stack I do not have cluster or other stuff:

median:0.5203, min:0.3810, max:0.6867, last:0.5679

scylladb_exporter is a job for victoriametrics which simply checks 9180 port

  • job_name: “scylladb_exporter”
    scrape_interval: 10s
    • targets:
      • P
      • IP:9180

cluster and dc are labels set in prometheus/scylla_servers.yml, which are then copied to the Prometheus container when you use the default docker installation.