[RELEASE] ScyllaDB Enterprise 2024.2.3

The ScyllaDB team announces ScyllaDB Enterprise 2024.2.3, a bug-fix production-ready ScyllaDB Enterprise patch release for ScyllaDB Enterprise 2024.2 Feature (Short Term Support) Release.

2024.2.3 patch release includes two CQL extensions and multiple bug fixes.

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The following issues are fixed in this release (with an open-source reference, if available):


  • Allow selecting map values and set elements, compatible to Cassandra 4.0


    SELECT map['key'] FROM table

    SELECT map['key1']['key2'] FROM table


  • cql3: implement NOT IN #21992


    select * from TBL where v NOT IN (5,7) ALLOW FILTERING


  • Until this release, the materialized view flow-control algorithm used a constant delay_limit_us hard-coded to one second, which means that when the size of view-update backlog reached the maximum (10% of memory), we delay every request by an additional second - while smaller amounts of backlog will result in smaller delays.

    So this patch replaces the hard-coded default with a live-updateable configuration parameter, view_flow_control_delay_limit_in_ms, which defaults to 1000ms as before. #18187


  • malformed_sstable_exception due to reclaim and reload of bloom filters from unlinked sstables #21887