[RELEASE] Scylla Operator v1.16.0

The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce the release of Scylla Operator 1.16.0.

Scylla Operator is an open-source project that helps users run ScyllaDB on Kubernetes. The Scylla Operator manages ScyllaDB clusters deployed to Kubernetes and automates tasks related to operating a ScyllaDB cluster, like installation, vertical and horizontal scaling, as well as rolling upgrades.

Scylla Operator 1.16.0 improves stability and brings new features. As with all of our releases, all API changes are backward compatible.

Notable changes

  • It is now possible to provide LoadBalancer topology constraints to individual racks by rack-specific service annotations. (#2484)
  • Logging improvements: The log level is now propagated to the Operator sidecars. Perftune job completion should now be visible in logs by default. (#2225, #2222)
  • As part of the ongoing effort to reduce Operator’s reliance on sidecar logic, snitch config generation now happens in the operator itself. (#2231)
  • The “OS Metrics” monitoring dashboard bug that caused no data in certain panels has been fixed. (#2279)
  • We’ve also made a bunch of minor bugfixes and performance improvements. (#2246, #2265, #2211; full list in the release notes).
  • Multiple component version updates, particularly in the monitoring stack. Most notably: Prometheus Operator v0.80.0, Grafana 11.3.0, Prometheus 2.54.1 (#2199, #2472; full list in the release notes)

Coming soon: Multi-Datacenter Deployments

In preparation for future introduction of automated multi-datacenter deployments, we’ve introduced a bunch of new v1alpha APIs subject to future development. (#2215, #2278, #2271, #2272):

  • ScyllaDBCluster (v1alpha1) will be a multi-datacenter-ready alternative to the well-established ScyllaCluster API, introducing a new level of geographical distribution to ScyllaDB deployments.
  • Remote datacenters will be modeled by two new APIs: ScyllaDBDatacenter (v1alpha1) and RemoteKubernetesCluster (v1alpha1).

Stay tuned for future updates on readiness of multi-datacenter deployments for general use, including quickstarts/examples and documentation.

For more changes and details, check out the GitHub release notes.

Supported versions

  • ScyllaDB >=2023.1, up until the upcoming 2025.1,
  • Kubernetes >=1.25,
  • Container Runtime Interface API == v1,
  • ScyllaDB Manager >=3.3.3 && <=3.4.

Upgrade instructions

Upgrading from v1.15.x with kubectl apply doesn’t require any extra action, just take the manifest from v1.16.0 tag and substitute the released image. Using helm requires a mandatory manual step for every release because helm can’t handle CRDs updates. For details, see our upgrade documentation.

Getting started with Scylla Operator

  • Scylla Operator Documentation
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)here
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Engine (EKS)here
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on a Kubernetes Cluster here

Related Links

We’ll welcome your feedback! Feel free to open an issue or reach out on the #scylla-operator channel in Scylla User Slack.


The Scylla Operator Team