[RELEASE] Scylla Operator 1.9.0

The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce the release of Scylla Operator 1.9.0.

Scylla Operator is an open-source project that helps ScyllaDB Open Source and ScyllaDB Enterprise users run ScyllaDB on Kubernetes. The Scylla Operator manages ScyllaDB clusters deployed to Kubernetes and automates tasks related to operating a ScyllaDB cluster, like installation, vertical and horizontal scaling, as well as rolling upgrades.

Scylla Operator 1.9.0 improves stability and brings a few features. As with all of our releases, any API changes are backward compatible.

Notable changes

  • Experimental - Current manual procedure of setting up the local disks has been automated. DaemonSet managed by the Scylla Operator detects local devices, creates a RAID array and formats it to XFS. Check the new API changes in v1alpha1.NodeConfig CRD or updated examples in the repository (#1107)
  • Experimental - Scylla Operator can automatically install and manage monitoring stack deployment - both Prometheus and Grafana with our dashboards. It’s available via new v1alpha1.ScyllaDBMonitoring CRD (#1111) (documentation)
  • Bootstrap time of Scylla Clusters with TLS enabled has been improved. (#1202)
  • Bug causing ScyllaDB version upgrade being stuck on Pod staying in maintenance mode has been fixed (#1267)
  • Bug causing crash of Scylla Operator occuring during node replacement has been fixed (#1290)

For more changes and details check out the GitHub release notes.

Supported versions

  • ScyllaDB Open Source >=5.0, ScyllaDB Enterprise >=2021.1
  • Kubernetes >=1.21
  • Container Runtime Interface API == v1
  • ScyllaDB Manager >=2.6
  • ScyllaDB Monitoring >=4.0

Upgrade instructions

Upgrading from v1.8.x with kubectl apply doesn’t require any extra action, just take the manifest from v1.9.0 tag and substitute the released image. Using helm requires a mandatory manual step for every release because helm can’t handle CRDs updates. For details, see our upgrade documentation.

Getting started with Scylla Operator

  • Scylla Operator Documentation
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) here
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Engine (EKS) here
  • Learn how to deploy Scylla on a Kubernetes Cluster here (including MiniKube example)

Related Links

We’ll welcome your feedback! Feel free to open an issue or reach out on the #scylla-operator channel in Scylla User Slack.


Scylla Operator Team