[RELEASE] Scylla Operator 1.11.1

The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce the release of Scylla Operator 1.11.1 :rocket:

Scylla Operator 1.11.1 brings a couple of bug fixes.
As with all of our releases, all API changes are backward compatible.

Notable changes

  • ScyllaCluster’s created by Scylla Operator <=1.11.0 no longer get stuck after Operator upgrade (#1643, #1660).
  • ScyllaDB upgrade procedure for ScyllaCluster’s exposed via Headless Services no longer get stuck on taking address of a node (#1651).
  • Validation of LoadBalancerClass in NodeServiceTemplate has been loosened (#1650).
    For more changes and details check out the GitHub release notes.

Upgrade instructions
Upgrading from v1.10.0 or v1.11.0 with kubectl apply doesn’t require any extra action, just take the manifest from v1.11.1 tag and substitute the released image. Using helm requires a mandatory manual step for every release because helm can’t handle CRDs updates. For details, see our upgrade documentation.

Scylla Operator Team