How can we migrate multiple tables simultaneously with scylla-migrator

Hello Team,

Please help, How can we migrate multiple tables from a Keyspace at the same time using the Scylla migration tool?
I tried making changes to config.yml, but it did not work.

Exception in thread “main” DecodingFailure(Attempt to decode value on failed cursor, List(DownField(table), DownField(source)))

hi there,

Could you show us what your config.yaml looks like?

Hi @Attila_Toth , here you see the config.yaml

  type: cassandra
  host: <great-secret>
  port: 9042
    username: great-secret
    password: 'great-secret'
  keyspace: <testkeyspace>
  table: <testtable1>
  consistencyLevel: ONE
  preserveTimestamps: true
  splitCount: 256
  connections: 8
  fetchSize: 1000
  type: scylla
  host: <great-secret>
  port: 9042
    username: great-secret
    password: 'great-secret'
  keyspace: <testkeyspace>
  table: <testtable1>
  consistencyLevel: ONE
  connections: 16
  stripTrailingZerosForDecimals: false
  path: /app/savepoints
  intervalSeconds: 300
renames: []
skipTokenRanges: []
  compareTimestamps: true
  ttlToleranceMillis: 60000
  writetimeToleranceMillis: 1000
  failuresToFetch: 100
  floatingPointTolerance: 0.001
  timestampMsTolerance: 0            

see Multiple tables cannot be migrated simultaneously · Issue #96 · scylladb/scylla-migrator · GitHub