Originally from the User Slack
@Peeyush: Hello Scylla team,
I downloaded scylla version 5.2.5 following the steps listed in the official documentation. I’m unable to perform nodetool operations. Getting the error attached below. And moreover the directory /etc/scylla/cassandra is also empty
@syuu1228 I noticed you are the maintainer for scylla-tools-core/files under /etc/scylla/cassandra. Care to comment?
@Lubos: FORCE restore from appropriate package
when someone manually deletes this dir, it won’t get recreated with apt/deb systems even after reinstall
the special option one will do it
fwiw - it will be something like
sudo apt install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask,confnew,confmiss" <package-name>
likely the options will be different, but you get the gist @Peeyush
@Peeyush: Thanks @Lubos
Even after uninstalling scylladb, there were some scylla tool that were still left in multiple directories. I deleted all of them and then reinstalled again and got it to work.