Error in setup scyllaDB ( runtime error: No nodes present in the cluster. Has this node finished starting up? )

Full Error:

root@b2-60-sgp1:/tmp/tb# nodetool status
nodetool: Scylla API server HTTP GET to URL '/storage_service/ownership/' failed: runtime_exception (runtime error: No nodes present in the cluster. Has this node finished starting up?)
See 'nodetool help' or 'nodetool help <command>'.

My Server OS : Ubuntu 20.04
Ram 32GB
Core 8
Provider : OVH

Did you check if the Scylla service started?
Please share scylla server + scylla-jmx output. Logs would help as well.
Please check if there are firewall rules or ports blocked (if this is a multi-node cluster)
Check scylla.yaml for any errors.