Originally from the User Slack
@Nino_Matos: updated:
Hi everybody,
I’m trying to scale my scylladb from 3 members to 4 members and i’m not being able to do it.
I’ve tried following the documentation: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla-operator/blob/master/docs/source/generic.md#scale-a-scyllacluster
I’ve tried to scale the statefulset and the new node is not able to connect(maybe because there is no service). i’ve edited the members on the scylla cluster itself (scylla.scylladb.com/v1/scyllaclusters) using k9s and nothing…
My expectation was that when i change the members of the scylla cluster that would trigger a deployment of the new node.
i’ve tried running the kubectl way and got this:
kubectl -n scylla-cluster edit scyllaclusters.scylla.scylladb.com/scylla-non-prod
error: scyllaclusters.scylla.scylladb.com "scylla-non-prod" could not be patched: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook.scylla.scylladb.com": failed to call webhook: Post "<https://scylla-operator-webhook.scylla-operator.svc:443/validate?timeout=10s>": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-01-25T09:18:34Z is after 2024-01-18T09:49:42Z
You can run `kubectl replace -f /var/folders/y0/_3yf83qx6bvfz76fp6cp_pxc0000gn/T/kubectl-edit-2099248250.yaml` to try this update again.
@Maciej_Zimnoch: you shouldn’t modify resources managed by Operator on your own, instead modify ScyllaCluster resource.
Looks like webhook certificate is expired, new one should be automatically generated and picked up by the webhook. Please provide output of your:
kubectl -n scylla-operator get certificate scylla-operator-serving-cert -o yaml
@Aleksandar_Kocic: Changing the number of members worked for me.
@Nino_Matos: @Maciej_Zimnoch yeah, that’s what i ended up doing. Changing the scyllacluster resource. The problem was that because my certificate was expired i couldn’t change the resource. Once i updated the certificate i was able to change the resource<- @Aleksandar_Kocic
Thanks for the suggestions