Seastar-addr2line appears broken in official images

Trying to run seastar-addr2line to decode a traceback in logs, It fails to run with the error below. Is this something that broke with the recent python3 changes, or am I holding it wrong?

Tried on 6.0.3 docker image, 6.0.3 AMI, and 6.0.4 AMI (all x86_64).

$ /opt/scylladb/scripts/seastar-addr2line
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/scylladb/scripts/libexec/seastar-addr2line", line 26, in <module>
    from addr2line import BacktraceResolver
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'addr2line'

Also, the decoding kb article’s method for finding the debug symbols seems to be out of date: the location no longer looks like /usr/lib/debug/opt/scylladb/libexec/scylla-[version].x86_64.debug - is there a better heuristic for finding the right file? is in seastar/scripts/ at master · scylladb/seastar · GitHub

I don’t remember if we ship it in debug packages, but the link should get you going. Please open an issue.

We also have (which interestingly is down for me I as write this, but it works)

We also have (which interestingly is down for me I as write this, but it works)

Fellipe, try rather than https.

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