Hello All,
is there anyone that has had the following errors before, I need help on resolving the issue –
scylla[476058]: [shard 0] cql_server_controller - Starting listening for CQL clients on XXX.XX.XX.XXX:9042 (unencrypted, non-shard-aware)
scylla[476058]: [shard 0] cql_server_controller - Starting listening for CQL clients on XXX.XX.XX.XXX:19042 (unencrypted, shard-aware)
scylla[476058]: [shard 0] init - serving
scylla[476058]: [shard 0] init - Scylla version 5.2.6-0.20230730.58acf071bf28 initialization completed.
scylla[476058]: [shard 0] service_level_controller - update_from_distributed_data: failed to update configuration for more than 90 seconds : exceptions::read_timeout_exception (Operation timed out for system_distributed.service_levels - received only 0 responses from 1 CL=ONE.)