[RELEASE] ScyllaDB Enterprise 2023.1.11

The ScyllaDB team announces ScyllaDB Enterprise 2023.1.11, a bug-fix production-ready ScyllaDB Enterprise patch release for ScyllaDB Enterprise 2023.1 LTS Release.

2023.1.11 patch release includes multiple minor bug fixes.

ScyllaDB Enterprise’s latest Long Term Support (LTS) is 2024.1. While we continue to support 2023.1, you are encouraged to upgrade to it in coordination with the ScyllaDB Support team.

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The following issues are fixed in this release (with an open-source reference, if available):

  • Stability: Batches (as generated by the BATCH statement) are held in the system.batchlog table. As this table can accumulate a lot of tombstones, we now take steps to ensure these tombstones are purged eagerly. This is important for repair, which replays the batch log. #19376
  • Performance: Statements such as SELECT count(*) use an internal map-reduce service to parallelize the query. ScyllaDB no longer does so for single-partition queries as they don’t benefit from it. #19349
  • Performance: If the CPU is busy processing a query, ScyllaDB will let that query complete before starting another one, since several queries using the CPU concurrently on a shard will make all of them slower. There is now an option to allow increasing CPU concurrency on queries for workloads where this helps. #19017
  • Monitoring: storage_proxy: LWT contention metric is not initialized correctly #19654