[RELEASE] ScyllaDB 5.2.5

The ScyllaDB team announces ScyllaDB Open Source 5.2.5, a bugfix release of the ScyllaDB 5.2 stable branch. ScyllaDB Open Source 5.2.5, like all past and future 5.x.y releases, is backward compatible and supports rolling upgrades.

Users are encouraged to upgrade to 5.2.5.

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Issue fixed in this release:

  • CQL Conflict resolution: compare_cells_for_merge may wrongly prefer an expired cell over a live and expiring one #14182. Before this fix, when two cells have the same write timestamp and both are alive or expiring, we compare their value first, before checking if either of them is expiring and if both are expiring, comparing their expiration time and TTL value to determine which of them will expire later or was written later. This was based on an early version of Cassandra. However, the Cassandra implementation rightfully changed in CASSANDRA-14592, where the cell expiration is considered before the cell value. See update-ordering in Scylla docs for more.
  • CQL: Scylla sum function (and other aggregates function) fails when used with case-sensitive column names. #14307
  • Setup: The installer now wipes filesystem signatures from the individual disks making up a RAID array, preventing problems with reuse of disks. #13737
  • Stability: mutation_reader_merger can overflow stack when merging many empty readers. This may happen when running a second repair right after the other. #14415
  • Stability: Bootstrap is blocked in setup_group0 after failed replace when cluster management with raft is enabled #13543. This issue is only relevant when using the experimental safe topology update with Raft.
  • Stability: compaction: excessive reallocation during input list formatting #14071. Issue is more likely with offstrategy compaction.
  • Stability: a failure when reading metrics, caused by a rare race condition when another node is down. (seastar::metrics::double_registration (registering metrics twice for metrics: storage_proxy_coordinator_background_replica_writes_failed_remote_node)) #11017
  • Stability: messaging: when upgrading OSS nodes to Enterprise, service-levels are matched to the default scheduling group #13841, #12552
  • Stability: bad_alloc (seastar - Failed to allocate 536870912 bytes) #13491. Root cause is a logic fault causing the reader to attempt to read all the data, consuming all memory. Can occur during sstableloader/nodetool refresh, repair or range scan.
  • Stability: Stability: a rare case when a combination of RF for one of the DCs is zero, and an optional optimization might cause Scylla to abort. #14284
  • Stability: View building crashes on large partitions with range tombstones. #14503
  • Stability: a repair related log printing of boost::adaptors::map_keys range is broken #13146