[RELASE] Scylla 6.2 RC2

The Scylla team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Open Source 6.2 RC2, the second Release Candidate for the Scylla Open Source 6.2 minor release.

ScyllaDB 6.2 introduces many Tablets improvements, new zero-token nodes (Arbiter), Alternator RBAC support and many other bug fixes and stabilizations.

Only the last two minor releases of the ScyllaDB Open Source project are supported. Once Scylla Open Source 6.2 is officially released, ScyllaDB Open Source 6.2 and 6.1 will be supported, and ScyllaDB 6.0 will be retired.

For a complete description of ScyllaDB 6.2 see ScyllaDB 6.2 RC1.

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Updates and bug fixes since 6.2 RC1 (not including tests and docs updates)

  • Alternator: reconsider BatchGetItemSize and BatchWriteItemSize metrics #20571
  • Stability: A REST command of task-manager fails with: ({“message”: “seastar::rpc::closed_error (connection is closed)”, “code”: 500}) #20843
  • Stability: Bootstrap fails with init - Startup failed: std::runtime_error (Failed to obtain IP addresses of nodes that should be seen as alive within 30s) #20600
  • Stability: coredump during bootstrap when replacing a dead node #20629
  • Upgrade: Upgrade fails when the number of service levels close to the max. The root cause is ScyllaDB did not correctly identify internal scheduling groups, for example for maintenance, and tried to create service levels for them. #20070
  • Stability: raft topology; concurrent removenode requests for the same node can hang #20271
  • scylla_commitlog_memory_buffer_bytes seems to be growing since 6.0. The root cause was a metric, not the actual memory usage #20862
  • Stability: a rare SStable’s clustering key index lookup may yield incorrect position. This could happen in the event of LSA memory compaction in the middle of promoted index entry parsing which moves the cached page and the entry must span file pages, for index larger than 64KB. #20766
  • Stability: time_window_compaction_strategy::get_reshaping_job must limit partial_sort range to multi_window size. The result might be a crash and infinite restart loop #20608