the documenation Time to Live (TTL) and Compaction | ScyllaDB Docs states “If the data time stamp + gc_grace_seconds is less than or equal to the current time (now), the data is thrown away and a tombstone is not created.”.
So basically the Cassandra fix [CASSANDRA-4917] Optimize tombstone creation for ExpiringColumns - ASF JIRA is already included in Scylla?
So this means I will not have any tombstones if I do the following?
- Write row without TTL
- Overwrite existing record with TTL of 10 days (basically a app-level delete)
This way I could track my deletes and write a range tombstone if I find many of my own app-level deletes.
Sorry for asking, but I was not able to find the TTL logic in the Scylla codebase.