Last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master (issue #9; 2023-04-22)

This short report brings to light some interesting commits to scylla-cluster-tests.git master from the last week.
Commits in the 32c239b8…0a7c775c range are covered.

There were 36 non-merge commits from 9 authors in that period. Some notable commits:

Rocky Linux 9 was recently released, thus we added rocky9 support and new tests and pipelines for testing it.

Because we use ‘scylla-machine-image’ docker image based on Scylla 4.1, after dropping 4.1 repos, we lost capability of testing opn EKS. This was fixed by disabling scylla package repos.

Default load balancing policy in scylla-tools-java is DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. For multi DC tests now we add datacenter to c-s command, so it will send requests to all DCs evenly.

See you in the next issue of last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master!