Last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master (issue #42; 2024-03-29)

This short report brings to light some interesting commits to scylla-cluster-tests.git master from the last week.
Commits in the 2e49a1e1…a9e63b34 range are covered.

There were 16 non-merge commits from 5 authors in that period. Some notable commits:

After the networking refactor, we’ve successfully configured multiple network interfaces on DB nodes, loaders, and runners. This enhancement allows for the execution of tests with independent networks, utilizing private IP addresses, marking a significant improvement in our networking setup.

We’ve introduced support for the Scylla Alternator feature on Kubernetes. To activate this feature, set k8s_enable_alternator: true in the test configuration. For using the insecure Alternator port, configure alternator_port: 8000. To employ a secure Alternator port, k8s_enable_tls: true and alternator_port: 8043 must be defined. Additionally, YCSB longevity tests have been added to validate this feature.

For those running tests locally using Docker, it’s recommended to adopt a dedicated test configuration. This approach minimizes load and adjusts Scylla settings appropriately to prevent overloading the host machine.

See you in the next issue of last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master!