Last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master (issue #18; 2023-08-04)

This short report brings to light some interesting commits to scylla-cluster-tests.git master from the last week. Commits in the 6e3d34cd…1fcc9c99 range are covered.

There were 18 non-merge commits from 8 authors in that period. Some notable commits:

3 new nemesis were added:

Full aggregation scan dispatch to other nodes is now verified using prometheus metrics instead of using tracing.

SLA tests were improved by increasing load close to 100% and prolonged duration to allow to trigger more nemesis

disrupt_terminate_and_replace_node operation in performance tests mixed workload is run on double-sized cluster, so we should get better results for replace node and not affect any other operations we have currently.

See you in the next issue of last week in scylla-cluster-tests.git master!