Originally from the User Slack
@Jasper_Visser: I am running a single self-managed Scylla instance in AWS. After running 1 week without any problems, I got this message from AWS:
> EC2 has detected degradation of the underlying hardware hosting your Amazon EC2 instance (instance-ID: i-XX).
I needed to stop-and-start my instance. After spinning the instance up again and sshed to the instance, I see it fails to boot because of this error:
> Failed mounting RAID volume!
> Scylla has aborted startup because of a missing RAID volume.
Is there anything I can do to restart scylla with the same dataset as before the restart?
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: Nope, AWS allocated you a new set of local SSDs. You can recreate the array and then start the replace node procedure.
@Jasper_Visser: You can recreate the array and then start the replace node procedure.
what do you mean by that? So the data is lost?
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: in that particular node, yes. You do have other replicas, no?
@Jasper_Visser: No, no other replica’s atm, it’s just for development though
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: > The data on an SSD instance volume persists only for the life of its associated instance.
@Jasper_Visser: Ok and do you have any reference to You can recreate the array and then start the replace node procedure.?
@Felipe_Cardeneti_Mendes: https://opensource.docs.scylladb.com/stable/operating-scylla/procedures/cluster-management/rebuild-node.html
Depending on your ScyllaDB version you may need to manually delete the systemd .mount
resources in your /etc and follow with a systemctl daemon-reload
Rebuild a Node After Losing the Data Volume | ScyllaDB Docs
Recreate RAID devices | ScyllaDB Docs