Originally from the User Slack
@Joep: Hi all. Trying to follow https://iot.scylladb.com/stable/getting-started.html and when trying to do step 3 of Deploy, running into an issue I don’t know what to do with. Anyone might know what’s up and how to resolve?
docker exec -it carepet-scylla1 nodetool version
nodetool: Unable to connect to Scylla API server: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
See 'nodetool help' or 'nodetool help <command>'
Getting Started with CarePet: A sample IoT App | ScyllaDB Docs
Seems to run now by making this change to the docker-compose. Had to dig through the Scylla logs to find out it was in some stuck state on start-up. Pretty weird. My Docker has 10 Cores available, not sure what Scylla expects by default
@Guy: Thanks for reporting, @Attila_Toth. Do you have any ideas?
@Attila_Toth: Hi @Joep! Are you using Mac? Also you can share any Docker logs?
@Joep: Windows. Just cloned the directory, opened up Docker (default settings), docker-compose, erroring. This doesn’t happen for you locally? 
@Attila_Toth: This is a known issue. I’m aware of a fix for Linux (increase fs.aio-max-nr
), and Mac. Not sure about windows. I see you already came up with a fix yourself, you could also try adding --reactor-backend=epoll
to your docker compose file as described here not sure it works on Windows though