Originally from the User Slack
@Jenagan_Sivakumar: Hi I attended a caching masterclass session last week. It was great, but I had to run to another meeting so I didn’t catch the last of it. I was told it would be uploaded, is there anywhere I can find it? Also, I did the practice test, and I am waiting for the certification and to know if I am eligible to win the goodie bag
I was wondering what happens after the mini exam? Do I get notified by email?
Thanks in advance 
@Ellen_Trieu: Hi @Jenagan_Sivakumar You can view the record and slides for the Caching Masterclass here. We’ll send an email about the certificate the swag after March 18th. Thank you for your participation!
https://www.scylladb.com: Thank You | Caching for Performance Masterclass